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苏州打印机售后客服电话69616769,上门维修 理光c240dn开机维修呼叫sc396,找了好多资料都没有
如果您是苏州用户,且遇到同样的问题无法解决的,可致电售后维修电话:0512-69616769 维修手册,故障代码,技术通报
·解决了 是鼓里边漏粉太多卡主了
·sc396 is an overload error for the black drum motor. You can try removing and replacing the black drum and making sure nothing is obstructing its movement (like a scrap of paper stuck somewhere or a chipped gear). You might want to have a service technician take a look at it if you can't find anything, to see if the motor needs to be replaced. 苏州理光打印机维修站电话696l6769,企业一站式服务,上门维修,耗材配送