EPSONWF7720开机100005代码,和031006代码 来源 选稿:admin 文字大小:大 中 小
苏州打印机售后客服电话69616769,上门维修 维修手册,故障代码,技术通报
·Code: 100005
ADF PID excess load
• The driving time of the motor exceeded the set time.
• When rotated in the opposite direction to rotation direction (There was a sudden load error, and the motor rotated in the opposite direction in reaction to it)
• State in which load of motor exceeds expected load, and motor does not rotate at all
• Foreign object or jammed paper remaining
• Motor cable disconnected
• ADF/SCN unit failure (main board failure, drive part damaged)
1 Check for a foreign object and jammed paper remaining Check that there is no foreign object or paper jam remaining in the document feed path.
Y. Go to step 2. N. Remove the foreign object or jammed paper.
2 Check the connection state of the motor cable Is the corresponding motor cable correctly connected to the SCN main board? (CN20, CN21, and CN22)
Y. Replace the ADF/SCN unit. N. Reconnect the motor cable.