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Sharp ARM236常见故障代码描述,英文手册2

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更新时间:2025/3/16 7:35:52,view:265

Code: F9-88
Printer PWB communication trouble (Timeout)
Communication trouble between MCU and printer PWB (Timeout error)
Printer PWB connector disconnection Harness trouble between the printer PWB and the MCU PWB Motherboard connector pin breakage Printer PWB ROM trouble/Data disturbance
Check the connectors and harness of the printer PWB and MCU PWB. Check the grounding of the copier. Check ROM on printer PWB.
Code: F9-99
Machine-PCL board language error
The machine language setup does not coincide with the PCL board language setup.
PCL board connection error SIM setup error
Check the firmware of the PCL board and the combination of the panel screen data, and download the correct version, if necessary. Check the machine language information. (Machine language setup: SIM 26-22)
Code: H2-00
Main heater lamp thermistor open hard detection
Main heater lamp thermistor open detection Fusing unit not installed
Thermistor defect Control PWB failure Fusing section connector contact failure Fusing unit not installed
Check the harness and the connector of the thermistor and the MCU. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.
Code: H2-01
Sub heater lamp thermistor open hard detection
Sub heater lamp thermistor open detection Fusing unit not installed
Thermistor defect Control PWB failure Fusing section connector contact failure Fusing unit not installed
Check the harness and the connector of the thermistor and the MCU. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.

Code: H3-00
Main heater lamp abnormally high temperature hard detection trouble
The fusing main heater thermistor causes abnormally high temperature.
Main heater lamp thermistor defect Control PWB failure Fusing section connector contact failure
Check the main heater lamp blinking with SIM 5-2-1. When the lamp blinks normally: Check the thermistor and the harness. Check the MCU PWB thermistor input circuit. If lamp lights and stays lit: Check the power PWB and the MCU PWB lamp control circuit. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.
Code: H3-01
Sub heater lamp abnormally high temperature hard detection troubl
The fusing sub heater thermistor causes abnormally high temperature.
Sub heater lamp Thermistor defect Control PWB failure Fusing section connector contact failure
Check the sub heater lamp blinking with SIM 5-2-2. When the lamp blinks normally: Check the thermistor and the harness. Check the MCU PWB thermistor input circuit. If lamp lights and stays lit: Check the power PWB and the MCU PWB lamp control circuit. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.
Code: H3-10
Main heater lamp abnormally high temperature soft detection trouble
A/D value the fusing main heater lamp thermistor causes abnormally high temperature (over 230°C).
Main heater lamp thermistor defect Control PWB failure Fusing section connector contact failure
Check the main heater lamp blinking with SIM 5-2-1. When the lamp blinks normally: Check the thermistor and the harness. Check the MCU PWB thermistor input circuit. If lamp lights and stays lit: Check the power PWB and the MCU PWB lamp control circuit. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.
Code: H3-11
Sub heater lamp abnormally high temperature soft detection trouble
A/D value the fusing sub heater lamp thermistor causes abnormally high temperature (over 230°C).
Sub heater lamp thermistor defect Control PWB failure Fusing section connector contact failure
Check the sub heater lamp blinking with SIM 5-2-2. When the lamp blinks normally: Check the thermistor and the harness. Check the MCU PWB thermistor input circuit. If lamp lights and stays lit: Check the power PWB and the MCU PWB lamp control circuit. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.
Code: H4-00
Main heater lamp abnormally low temperature detection
The setup temperature (about 90°C) is not reached within the specified time (about 17sec) from turning on the power ON SW. (When the temperature of main heater lamp thermistor falls below 140°C in the standby mode or printing.) Whether temperature of main heater lamp thermistor falls below 50°C in the pre-heat mode.
Main heater lamp thermistor defect Main heater lamp failure Main thermostat failure Control PWB failure
Check the heater lamp blinking with SIM 5- 2. When the lamp blinks normally: Check the thermistor and the harness. Check the MCU PWB thermistor input circuit. When the lamp does not light: Check for disconnection of the heater lamp and thermostat. Check the interlock switch. Check the power PWB and the MCU PWB lamp control circuit. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.
Code: H4-01
Sub heater lamp abnormally low temperature detection
The setup temperature (about 90°C) is not reached within the specified time (about 17sec) from turning on the power ON SW. (When the temperature of sub heater thermistor falls below 140°C in the standby mode or printing.) Whether temperature of sub heater lamp thermistor falls below 50°C in the pre-heat mode.
Sub heater lamp thermistor defect Sub heater lamp failure Sub thermostat failure Control PWB failure
Check the sub heater lamp blinking with SIM 5-2-2. When the lamp blinks normally: Check the thermistor and the harness. Check the MCU PWB thermistor input circuit. When the lamp does not light: Check for disconnection of the heater lamp and thermostat. Check the interlock switch. Check the power PWB and the MCU PWB lamp control circuit. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.
Code: H4-20
Main heater lamp abnormally low temperature detection
The setup temperature (about 25°C: Sim 43-1-1) is not reached within the specified time (about 32sec) from turning on the power ON SW. (When the temperature falls below 140°C in the standby mode.)
Main heater thermistor defect Main heater lamp failure Main thermostat failure Control PWB failure
Check the main heater lamp blinking with SIM 5-2. When the lamp blinks normally: Check the thermistor and the harness. Check the MCU PWB thermistor input circuit. When the lamp does not light: Check for disconnection of the heater lamp and thermostat. Check the interlock switch. Check the power PWB and the MCU PWB lamp control circuit. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.
Code: H4-21
Sub heater lamp abnormally low temperature detection
The setup temperature (about 25°C: Sim 43-1-1) is not reached within the specified time (about 32sec) from turning on the power ON SW. (When the temperature falls below 140°C in the standby mode.)
Sub heater thermistor defect Sub heater lamp failure Sub thermostat failure Control PWB failure
Check the sub heater lamp blinking with SIM 5-2-2. When the lamp blinks normally: Check the thermistor and the harness. Check the MCU PWB thermistor input circuit. When the lamp does not light: Check for disconnection of the heater lamp and thermostat. Check the interlock switch. Check the power PWB and the MCU PWB lamp control circuit. Clear the display of self-diagnostics with SIM 14.

Code: H5-01
10 continuous POD1, POD2 or PPD2 JAM
POD1, POD2, PPD2 JAM was detected 10 continuous times from turning on the power ON.
The fusing JAM is not completely removed. (Jam paper remains.) POD1, POD2, PPD2 sensor breakdown or harness connection trouble Fusing unit installation failure
Check for jam paper in the fusing section. (paper winding, etc.) Check fusing unit installation. Check the POD1, POD2 or PPD2 sensor. Clear the trouble with SIM 14.
Code: L1-00
Scanner feed trouble
Scanner feed is not completed within the specified time.
Mirror unit defect Scanner wire disconnection Origin detection sensor error Mirror motor harness abnormality
Check the scanning operation with SIM 1- 1. Mirror base feed trouble Check for disconnection of the scanner wire. Check the harness and connector between the mirror motor and the MCU PWB. Replace the mirror unit. Replace the MCU PWB. When the mirror feeds: Check the mirror home position sensor with SiM 1-2.
Code: L3-00
Scanner return trouble
Scanner return is not completed within the specified time. "When OC copying with the mirror at the home position, the mirror is not in the home position. "
Mirror unit defect The scanner wire is disconnected. Origin detection sensor error Mirror motor harness abnormality
Check the scanning operation with SIM 1- 1. Mirror base return trouble Check for disconnection of the scanner wire. Check the harness and connector between the mirror motor and the MCU PWB. Replace the mirror unit. Replace the MCU PWB. When the mirror feeds: Check the mirror home position sensor with SiM 1-2.
Code: L4-01
Main motor trouble
The main motor does not rotate. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec or more after the main motor rotates. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec during rotation of the main motor.
Main motor defect Main motor connection, harness trouble or disconnection MCU PWB failure
Check the main motor operation with SIM 25-1. Check connection of the main motor harness and connector. Replace the main motor. Replace the MCU PWB.
Code: L4-11
Shifter motor trouble
The shifter home position detection signal is not detected when the shifter is operating.
Shifter motor trouble or harness connection trouble and disconnection Shifter home position sensor trouble
Check the shifter motor operation with SIM 3-11. Check connection of the shifter motor harness/connector. Replace the shifter motor. Replace the MCU PWB.
Code: L6-10
Polygon motor lock trouble
The polygon motor does not rotate. The motor lock signal is detected for 6sec or more after the polygon motor rotates. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec during rotation of the polygon motor.
Polygon motor unit failure Polygon motor connection, harness trouble or disconnection MCU PWB failure
Check the polygon motor operation with SIM 61-1. Check connector/harness of polygon motor Replace the polygon motor. Replace the MCU PWB.
Code: L8-10
Power abnormality detection trouble
The power status monitoring signal keeps power OFF state after passing the specified time (2sec).
Circuit around the power status monitoring signal failure.
Check whether power status monitoring signal on MCU PWB is OPEN or not. Replace MCU PWB.
Code: PF-00
RIC communication error
The copy inhibit command from RIC is received.
Judged by the host.
Inform to the host.

Code: U1-01
FAX battery error
The SRAM backup battery voltage on FAX PWB falls.
The SRAM backup battery voltage on FAX PWB falls.
Check voltage of the SRAM back up battery. Replace the battery.
Code: U1-02
PANEL LOW battery error
The voltage of the panel clock function battery falls.
The voltage of the panel clock function battery falls.
Check voltage of panel clock function battery. Replace the battery.
Code: U2-04
EEPROM communication error
MCU PWB EEPROM access circuit failure
EEPROM defective ICU PWB EEPROM access circuit failure
Check that the EEPROM is properly set. Clear trouble with SIM 16. Replace the MCU PWB. Remarks EEPROM abnormality
Code: U2-20
Machine speed code data error
The machine (Boot) speed information is not identical to the model code speed information.
EEPROM defective SIM operation error
Check that the machine set with SIM 26- 57 is identical to the model information. Remarks When the boot program speed code does not match with the body model information.
Code: U2-40
CRUM chip communication error
Error in MCU-CRUM chip communication
CRUM chip failure Developing unit contact trouble MCU PWB failure
Replace the CRUM chip. Check installation of the developing unit. Clear the trouble with SIM 16. Replace the MCU PWB. Remarks CRUM communication error
Code: U7-00
RIC communication trouble
Error in communication with RIC Error in communication test after turning on the power or canceling SIM.
Connector harness contact trouble or disconnection RIC control PWB trouble MCU PWB failure Malfunction by noises
Check the communication cable, connectors from the RIC box to the main body.
Code: U9-00
MCU-OPE communication trouble
Communication establishment error/ framing/parity/protocol error
Operation control PWB connector disconnection Operation control PWB MCU PWB harness failure
Check the connectors and harness of the operation control PWB and MCU PWB. Check the grounding of the copier. Check ROM on the operation control PWB.
Code: U9-80
Operation control PWB communication trouble (Protocol)
Communication trouble between MCU and the operation control PWB (Protocol error)
Operation control PWB connector disconnection Operation control PWB MCU PWB harness failure
Check the connectors and harness of the operation control PWB and MCU PWB. Check the grounding of the copier.

Code: U9-81
Operation control PWB communication trouble (Parity)
Communication trouble between MCU and the operation control PWB (Parity error)
Operation control PWB connector disconnection Operation control PWB MCU PWB harness failure
Check the connectors and harness of the operation control PWB and MCU PWB. Check the grounding of the copier.
Code: U9-82
Operation control PWB communication trouble (Overrun)
Communication trouble between MCU and the operation control PWB (Overrun error)
Operation control PWB connector disconnection Operation control PWB MCU PWB harness failure
Check the connectors and harness of the operation control PWB and MCU PWB. Check the grounding of the copier.
Code: U9-84
Operation control PWB communication trouble (Framing)
Communication trouble between MCU and the operation control PWB (Framing error)
Operation control PWB connector disconnection Operation control PWB MCU PWB harness failure
Check the connectors and harness of the operation control PWB and MCU PWB. Check the grounding of the copier.
Code: U9-88
Operation control PWB communication trouble (Time-out)
Communication trouble between MCU and the operation PWB (Time-out error)
Operation control PWB connector disconnection Operation control PWB MCU PWB harness failure
Check the connectors and harness of the operation control PWB and MCU PWB. Check the grounding of the copier.
Code: U9-99
Operation panel destination error
An error occurred in checking the destination of the operation panel and the main body.
Erroneous connection the operation panel unit SIM setup error
Check the destination information of the operation panel unit and the MCU. (Use SIM 26-6 for the destination of the body.)

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